Martin Ferris
Recorded: 2005
Length: 31mins
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As an eighteen year old Kerry fisherman and a future Kerry footballer, Martin Ferris committed himself to the terrible struggle of the IRA. He went to jail for ten-years for his part in the attempted smuggling of arms into Ireland aboard the Marita Ann. Having grown up almost 300 miles away from the war in the North, he had never lived under British rule. But he devoted his life to the abolition of the border, sectarianism and the establishment of a 32 county independent republic. Today, the person once perceived as a cold man of violence is a warm friendly man. Deeply involved in Kerry football he has been a selector on his own club Ardfert as they won Junior and Intermediate All Ireland championships. In this interview he speaks to Weeshie in a relaxed and open manner as would two great Kery GAA men.
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