Dan Keating

Recorded: 2004
Length: 1hr 16mins
Length: 1hr 16mins
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Dan was a typical Kerry man in many ways, including his fierce loyalty to the GAA and the Kerry football team, and it is said that he had attended every All-Ireland hurling and football game since 1922. In recent years, members of the football fraternity always ensured that he got a ticket, if only because they admired the humble way in which he recalled various epoch-making activities of his long life. But this did not mean that he did not make every effort to recall the far-flung circumstances of his life, which reached back beyond 1916 to the days when the republican Volunteers, the Ancient Order of Hibernians (AOH) and other pro-Redmond groups engaged in lively and controversial debates in the town of Tralee, where he worked as a shop assistant.
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